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  • AWS
    AWS PGVE- Pocket Guide for Visual Examination of Welds – Discontinuity Causes and Remedies (APG-DIS)
    Publication year: 2018
    50 Concurrent Users per year

Content Description

Visual examination (abbreviation: VT) is the primary method for identifying welding discontinuities. It is fundamental to any effective quality control program. It is also fundamental to assuring weld repair operations are effective and comply with the approved contract documents. For convenience and brevity, all rework and repair activities in this pocket guide are called repairs. As a minimum, various steps in any repair are always examined and evaluated. Welders and inspectors, alike, will examine the repair efforts and compare them with project requirements. Even "close enough" is an evaluation. It has been proven time and time again that integrating quality control actions into fabrication and installation operations reduces labor efforts and repair costs. Early detection of welding discontinuities and other quality failures saves money and time.

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